Art by KryptidiKettu

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The Future of Art and AI

AI in art is going to be a revolutionary technological leap. In the same way nuclear fission was a revolutionary technological leap for humanity. It is easy to compare AI art to Nuclear Fission, since both have the capability for immense value and immense destruction. This post is the gathering of my ideas related to the topic. AI art in industry is going to be a coin toss. I foresee we, as a humanity, have four big choices ahead of us:...

November 11, 2022 · KryptidiKettu


We should start normalizing furigana (or ruby) text. E.g.: “I draw furry animals” is very ambiguous. “I draw furryanthropomorphic animals” and “I draw furryhairy animals” are much more clear in their meaning. How to use "I draw <ruby>furry<rt>anthropomorphic</rt></ruby> animals"

November 6, 2021 · KryptidiKettu

Welcome to 🦊🎨.st

This website is still under construction.

October 30, 2021 · KryptidiKettu